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Executive Director's Message

Banner: About the Conference

Message from ONCAT's Executive Director


Dear colleagues,  

On November 15-16, 2023, we are excited to host ONCAT’s Student Mobility & Pathways Conference in Toronto. The event, which has not been held since 2018, will bring together Ontario’s postsecondary education professionals involved in student mobility, pathways, and transfer.  

We’re excited to provide our sector with an important (and long overdue) opportunity to reconnect. The 2023 Student Mobility & Pathways Conference will give attendees a chance to network with sector colleagues, share best practices and research, and explore new partnerships.  

Our ONCAT team has curated an outstanding roster of presentations and workshops that will identify and address emerging trends in learner mobility and transfer, both in Ontario and across Canada.   

The featured panel discussion at the conference will focus on how our sector can best support learners and students to find their place in the labour market. Esteemed panelists will share their perspectives on the most promising and effective strategies to support labour market integration and how their organizations and work intersect with this goal.  

The 2023 ONCAT Student Mobility & Pathways Conference will be a wonderful opportunity for the sector to reconnect in person, and we look forward to hosting an interesting and engaging event.  



Dr. Adrienne Galway  

Executive Director, ONCAT