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Student Mobility and Pathway Awards – Call for nominations 


ONCAT is now accepting nominations for our Student Mobility and Pathway Awards. This is your chance to recognize the achievements of one of your colleagues and/or partners who has made a significant impact or contribution on Ontario's transfer community. Awards are judged by an assigned ONCAT committee. Selected award recipients will be recognized at our Student Mobility and Pathways Conference, held November 15th and 16th in Toronto.  

Deadline to nominate: October 13, 2023.  


We are currently seeking nominations for the following Awards: 

Transfer Champion/Leadership Award 

The Transfer Champion is a transfer professional who has shown superior skill, confidence and dedication to the field, who has, over time, established themselves as an expert, and who has educated, convinced and inspired others within their institution and the wider community to move forward with positive actions that have contributed to ongoing development in the field of transfer. They are:  

  1. A change maker: Consistently makes a significant impact at the local, provincial and/or national levels. 
  2. An advocate: Looks to improve and address policies on the transfer student experience and facilitates a transfer-friendly culture. 
  3. An influencer: Is known to influence key stakeholders, such as administrators, faculty, and staff, to become advocates for transfer students. 
  4. An innovator: Leads the design and implementation of new initiatives and/or implements significant changes to current efforts to improve the transfer student experience. 
  5. Experienced: 5 + years of transfer-related experience in one or more institutions. 

Transfer Rising Star – New and Emerging Professionals Award 

Recognizes a transfer professional who is new to the field of postsecondary transfer and who exhibits growing understanding and contributions to their institution, establishing themselves as a widely known champion of transfer within the wider community. They are: 

  1. A new player: Someone with 1-3 years transfer-related experience. 
  2. A collaborator: Someone who builds and sustains relationships both at the institutional and provincial levels. Takes opportunities to expand and develop partnerships that build pathways and address obstacles. 
  3. An advocate: Someone who looks to improve and address policies on the transfer student experience and facilitates a transfer-friendly culture. Is proactive in advocating for and serving the interests of transfer students.  
  4. A creator: Someone who excels at current responsibilities, takes initiative, and demonstrates significant impact across departments at an institution, and/or with external partners. 

Transfer Student Ambassador/Leadership Award 

Recognizes a transfer student who has played an important role in developing and maintaining peer supports and collegial relationships amongst transfer students at their institution. They are:  

  1. A transfer student extraordinaire: A student who has transferred across at least more than one Ontario institution within the last 3 years. A student who has had at least one credit and/or credential recognized by a receiving institution. 
  2. A storyteller: The ability to share your transfer story in an engaging and instructive way. Someone who can share their experience in a way that can serve or support both individual transfer students and impact the transfer culture.  
  3. A community builder: A peer leader. Someone who can help transfer students feel more connected and supported in their postsecondary journey.  

Transfer Research Award 

Recognizes a research project that advances knowledge and understanding of the current state of transfer students and pathways in Ontario, in the areas of policy development, institutional practices or system-wide issues that can support changes, interventions and improvements to the system as a whole. 

Materials Needed 

  1. One page overview addressing the award description (100 – 250 words) with supplementary documentation as required.   
  2. Please Note:  Winners may be asked to submit the following within three weeks of award notification: 
  • High-quality headshot (with minimum dimensions of 500px by 500px and 300ppi) 
  • Mini-biography (prompts and maximum word count will be provided) 


Please submit your nominations to Carolyn Poplak, Manager, Sector Engagement,